Abbreviations and Acronyms
2G 2nd Generation mobile communications s11 eCall
3D Three-dimension s19 Spatial
3G 3rd Generation mobile communications s11 eCall
3GPP 3rd Generation partnership project s11 eCall
3GPP TSG 3GPP Task Service Group s11 eCall
4G Fourth generation cellular technology s9 CCAM;s13 aut mobility/kerbside
5G Fifth generation cellular technology s9 CCAM;s13 aut mobility/kerbside
6G Sixth generation cellular technology
ABLS Automated braking during low-speed manoeuvring s24 VR WC
ACC Adaptive cruise control systems s24 VR WC
ACS Adaptive Cruse Control System s23 Nomadic
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance System s19 Spatial
ADASIS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Interface
Specifications s9 CCAM
ADR Accord européen relatif au transport international
des marchandises Dangereuses par Route
(dangerous goods regulations UNECE) s12 Freight & Fleet
ADTF Automotive Data- and Time-Triggered Framework s9 CCAM
AEI Automatic Equipment Identification s7 Architecture
AFNOR Association française de normalisation
(French association for standardisation s19 Spatial
AGV Automated Guided Vehicle s9 CCAM
AI Artificial Intelligence s9 CCAM;s13 aut mobility/kerbside
AID Application Identifier s22 TTI
AID Automatic Incident Detection s9 CCAM
ALERT-C (Location reference system originally created in
ALERT project) s19 Spatial; s21 TMC
ALKS Automated Lane Keeping Systems s9 CCAM
AM Radio Amplitude Moderated Radio s22 TTI
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol s9 CCAM
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition s10 EFC; s14 LA; s17 Pub. Transport;
s21 TMC
APDS Alliance for Parking Data Standards s9 CCAM; s14 LA
API Application Programming Interface s9 CCAM; s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway;
s19 Spatial
APS Assisted Parking System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
ARC-IT Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent
Transportation Systems s7 Architecture; s8 Communications;
s19 Spatial
ARI Autofahrer-Rundfunk-Information s22 TTI
ASAM Association for Standardization of Automation and
Measuring Systems s9 CCAM
ASCI Advanced Speech Call Item (ETSI/3GPP) s11 eCall
ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level s9 CCAM
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation 1 s7 Architecture
ATSVR After Theft Systems for Vehicle Recovery s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
AV Automated Vehicle s9 CCAM; s14 LA
AVI Automatic Vehicle Identification s7 Architecture; s17 Pub. Transport;
s18 Railway; s20 Stolen; s21 TMC
AVL Automatic Vehicle Location s14 LA; s21 TMC
AVMS Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System s18 Railway
AVPS Automated Valet Parking System s23 Nomadic; s16 parking; s24 VR WC
AWI Approved Work Item all
B2B Business to Business s22 TTI
BA Range base area range s11 eCall
BLE Bluetooth low energy s8 Communications
BSA Basic set of applications s19 Spatial
BusFMS Bus Fleet Management System s17 Pub. Transport
CACC Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System s23 Nomadic
CACC Cooperative adaptive cruise control s24 VR WC
CAI Conditional Access Information s22 TTI
CAM Cooperative Awareness Message s9 CCAM;s14 LA; s19 Spatial
CAN Controller Area Network (vehicle) s9 CCAM; s24 VR WC
CAV Connected and Autonomous/Automated Vehicle s9 CCAM; s21 TMC
CC Common Criteria s9 CCAM
CC ETSI call cleardown procedure s11 eCall
CCAM Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility s9 CCAM; s14 LA; s18 Railway; s20 Stolen;
s21 TMC
CCBS Call Completion Busy Subscriber (ETSI /3GPP) s11 eCall
CCTV Closed Circuit Televisions18 Railway; s21 TMC; s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
CD Committee Draft all
CD Compact Disc s9 CCAM
CELM Collision Evasive Lateral Manoeuvre system s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
CEN Comité européen de normalisation
(European Committee for Standardization) all
CEN/TC278 European committee for standardisation of ITS s18 Railway
CENELEC Comité européen de normalisation électrotechnique
(European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) s9 CCAM; s18 Railway; s19 Spatial
CID (European) Commission Implementation Decision s15 Mobility Integration
CIDCR Central ITS Data Concept Registry s19 Spatial
C-ITS Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems All
CIWS Cooperative Intersection signal information and
violation Warning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
CLARS Charging, Low Emission Zones,
other Access Regulation Schemes s14 LA
CO2 Carbon Dioxide s17 Pub. Transport
CONOPS Concept of Operations s15 Mobility Integration
COVID -19 coronavirus 19 s13 aut mobility/kerbside
C-Roads Harmonised C-ITS deployments in Europe s9 CCAM
CRS Coordinate reference system s19 Spatial
CS circuit switched (network) s11 eCall
CS/OTA Cybersecurity and Over-the-air updates s9 CCAM
CSA The Cybersecurity Act s9 CCAM
CSG Closed Subscriber Group (ETSI/3GPP) s11 eCall
CSWS Curve Speed Warning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
CTP Conformace Test Protocol (ETSI/3GPP) s11 eCall
CV Commercial Vehicle s12 Freight & Fleet
CV Connected Vehicle s9 CCAM
C-V2X Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything s9 CCAM
CVIS Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System s8 Communications
CVO Commercial Vehicle Operations s12 Freight & Fleet
CW Collision warning s24 VR WC
CZ Controlled Zone s14 LA; s15 Mobility Integration
CZDD Controlled Zone Data Dictionary s14 LA; s15 Mobility Integration
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting s22 TTI
DAS Driver Advisory Systems s18 Railway
DATEX (II)“ DATa EXchange", generation 2 –
project name for standards now in EN16157 series s9 CCAM;s14 LA; s15 Mobility Integration;
s17 Pub. Transport;s19 Spatial; s21 TMC
DDT Dynamic Driving Task s9 CCAM
DE Detection Equipments18 Railway; s20 Stolen
DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Message s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
DIASER DIAlogue Standard des Équipements de Régulation de traffic
DIS Draft International Standard All
DMA the Digital Markets Act s9 CCAM
DoD Department of Defense (in USA) s19 Spatial
DOT Department of transportation (in USA) s19 Spatial
DSA the Digital Services Act s9 CCAM
DSRC dedicated-short range communication s8 Communications; s10 EFC; s14 LA;
s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
DSSAD Data Storage System for Automated Driving s9 CCAM
DS Data set s19 Spatial
DT MD metadata s19 Spatial
DT NS Network service s19 Spatial
DVD Digital Versatile Disc s9 CCAM
DVI Driver vehicle interface s24 VR WC
EC European Commission All
eCall Emergency Call (automatically from vehicle) s9 CCAM; s11 eCall
ECM Entities in Charge of Maintenance s18 Railway
ECVVR European Centralised Virtual Vehicle Register s18 Railway
EDR Event Data Recorder s9 CCAM
EDR Environmental Data Retrieval s9 CCAM
EETS European electronic toll service s10 EFC
EFC Electronic Fee Collection s7 Architecture; s10 EFC; s14 LA;
s16 parking
EHDNS External Hazard Detection and Notification System s23 Nomadic
EIB European Investment Bank s14 LA
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility s17 Pub. Transport
EN European Norm (standard) All
ENISA The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity s9 CCAM
EPTIS European Public Transport Information Services s18 Railway
ERA European Union Agency for Railways s18 Railway
ERADIS European Railway Agency Database of Interoperability and Safety s18 Railway
ERAIL European Railway Accident Information Links s18 Railway
ERATV European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles s18 Railway
ERBA Extended-range backing aid (systems) s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System s18 Railway
ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute s9 CCAM
ETL Extended TMC location s19 Spatial
EToN Electronic Transfer of Notices – UK-based specification
for streetworks data s21 TMC
ETRS 89 The European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 s18 Railway;s19 Spatial; s20 Stolen
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute All
EU European Union All
EU CCMS European Union's C-ITS Security Credential Management System s9 CCAM
EU-ICIP European ITS communications and information protocols All
E-UTRAN Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network s11 eCall
EV Electric vehicle s16 parking
EVR European Vehicle Register s18 Railway
FIDO Fast IDentity Online s9 CCAM
FM Frequency modulation s19 Spatial
FM Radio Frequency Modulated Radio s22 TTI
FRMCS Future Railway Mobile Communication System s18 Railway
FS Further Study s11 eCall
FSRA Full Speed Range Adaptive Cruise Control s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
FVCMS Forward Vehicle Collision Mitigation System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
FVCWS Forward Vehicle Collision Warning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
GDF Geographic Data Files s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation All
GERAN GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network s11 eCall
GERAN-IU mode GERAN Interface User s11 eCall
GIS Geographic Information System s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
GLONASS Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema s9 CCAM
GLOSA Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory s9 CCAM; s14 LA; s21 TMC
GLR Geographic Location Referencing s22 TTI; s19 Spatial
GML Geography Markup Language s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System All
GPRS General Packet Radio Service s8 Communications
GPRS-AMF GPRS - Auto Mains Failure s11 eCall
GPRS-GLDM GPRS-Gray Level Dependence Matrix s11 eCall
GPRS-MS GPRS-Message service s11 eCall
GPS Global Positioning Systems s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
GPT-3 Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 s9 CCAM
GPU Graphics Processing Unit s9 CCAM
GSM Global System for Mobile communications All
GSMR Group System Mobile for Railways s18 Railway
GSR The General Safety Regulation s9 CCAM
HARTS Harmonized Architecture Reference for Technical Standards s7 Architecture; s8 Communications
HAS Galileo High Accuracy Service s9 CCAM
HAZMAT Hazardous and Dangerous Goods Material s12 Freight & Fleet
HD High definition s16 parking
HD maps High Definition Maps s9 CCAM
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle s11 eCall; s21 TMC;
HLAP High Level Application Protocol s11 eCall
HLR High level requirements s15 Mobility Integration
HMI Human machine Interface/Interaction s9 CCAM; s24 VR WC
HSM Hardware Security Module s9 CCAM
HTML Hypertext Markup Language s18 Railway
HW Hardware s9 CCAM
I2V Infrastructure-to-Vehicle s14 LA; s19 Spatial; s24 VR WC
IATA International Air Transport Association s17 Pub. Transport; s19 Spatial
IBM International Business Machines Corporation s9 CCAM
ICRV International Convention for the Recovery of Stolen Vehicles (ICRV): 2006 s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
ICT Information and communications technology s13 aut mobility/kerbside
ID Identifiers19 Spatial
IEC International Electrotechnical Commissions7 Architecture; s9 CCAM; s18 Railway; s19 Spatial
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers s15 Mobility Integration
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force s11 eCall
IFM Interoperable Fare Management s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway
IFOPT Identification of Fixed Objects in Public Object s19 Spatial
IM Integrated Mobility s15 Mobility Integration
IMS internet protocol multimedia s11 eCall
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications s8 Communications
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit s9 CCAM
INFO Information (3GPP/ETSI) s11 eCall
INSPIRE INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in the European Community
s14 LA; s16 parking; s17 Pub. Transport;
s19 Spatial
IoT Internet of Things s9 CCAM
IP Internet Protocol s8 Communications; s17 Pub. Transport
IP4 Innovation Programme 4 for Shift2Rail s18 Railway
IPIPS International Parking Industry Payments Standards s16 parking
IPv4 IP version 4 s8 Communications
IPv6 IP version 6 s8 Communications
IPX Innovation Programme X s18 Railway
IR Infra-Red s21 TMC
IRS International Railway Solutions s18 Railway
ISA Intelligent Speed Adaptation s21 TMC
ISAD Infrastructure support for automated driving s9 CCAM; s14 LA
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical radio communication s9 CCAM
ISO International Standards Organisation All
ISO/IEC JTC 1 ISO-IEC Joint Technical Committee no 1 s19 Spatial
ITRS International terrestrial reference system s19 Spatial
ITS Intelligent Transport Systems All
ITS-AID ITS Application Identifier s8 Communications
ITS-G5 European implementation of IEEE 802.11p 5.9 GHz
communication s9 CCAM; s14 LA; s19 Spatial
ITSO Integrated Transport Smartcard Organisation (UK industry forum) s17 Pub. Transport
ITS-S ITS station all
ITS-SCP ITS-secure communication profile s13 aut mobility/kerbside
ITS-SCU ITS- secure communications unit s13 aut mobility/kerbside
ITS-SU ITS-station unit s13 aut mobility/kerbside; s14 LA;
s15 Mobility Integration
ITU International Telecommunication Union s7 Architecture; s15 Mobility Integration;
s18 Railway; s19 Spatial
ITxPT Information Technology for Public Transport
(European industry forum) s9 CCAM; s17 Pub. Transport
IVERA (Dutch standards initiative for traffic systems) s21 TMC
IVI In-Vehicle Information (a C-ITS function) s21 TMC
IVI Infrastructure to Vehicle Information s9 CCAM
IVS in-vehicle system s11 eCall; s14 LA; s16 parking
JRC Joint Research Centre
(Research Directorate of the European Commission) s19 Spatial
JSON JavaScript Object Notation s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
JWT JSON Web Token s9 CCAM
KHz KiloHertz s22 TTI
LA Lcal Authority s14 LA
LAN local area network s8 Communications
LCDAS Lane Change Decision Aid System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
LDM Local Dynamic Map s8 Communications; s9 CCAM
LDWS Lane Departure Warning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
LEA Law Enforcement Agency s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
LEZ/ZEZ Low Emission Zone/Zero Emission Zone s14 LA
LGV large goods vehicle (was HGV) s11 eCall
LGV Laser Guided Vehicles s9 CCAM
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging s9 CCAM
LIN Local Interconnect Network s9 CCAM
LKAS Lane Keeping Assistance System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
LoRa Long Range s8 Communications
LOS line of sight (ETSI) s15 Mobility Integration
LPPLTE Positioning Protocol s9 CCAM
LPWAN Low Power WAN s8 Communications
LR Long Range s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
LR Location Reference s19 Spatial
LRC Location referencing container s19 Spatial
LRM Location referencing method s19 Spatial
LRS Location referencing system s19 Spatial
LSAD Low Speed Automated Driving s15 Mobility Integration; s23 Nomadic;
s24 VR WC
LSRA Limited Speed Range Adaptive Cruise Control s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
LTE long term evolution (3GPP/ETSI) s8 Communications; s11 eCall; s18 Railway
LTN linked telephone number s11 eCall
LTZ Limited Traffic Zone s14 LA
LV low voltage s11 eCall
MAAP Multi Annual Action Plan s18 Railway
MaaS Mobility as a Service s9 CCAM; s15 Mobility Integration;
s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway
MAC medium access control s11 eCall
MAFA Mobile Assisted Frequency Allocation (ETSI/3GPP) s11 eCall
MALSO Manoeuvring Aids for Low Speed Operation s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
MAN metropolitan area network s8 Communications
MAP Map Data s9 CCAM
MAP(EM) Map (Enhanced Management) s14 LA
MCS Motorway Chauffeur System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
MEMS Micro Electro Mechanical System s9 CCAM
METR Management of Electronic Traffic Regulations s9 CCAM; s14 LA; s21 TMC
MIS Management Information System s15 Mobility Integration
MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association s9 CCAM
MM mobility management s11 eCall
MMTI Multimodal Travel Information s9 CCAM
MMTIS Multi-modal Travel Information Service s14 LA
MNO mobile network operator s11 eCall
MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport s9 CCAM
MOT Ministry of Transport (safety test) s13 aut mobility/kerbside
MOVA Microprocessor-Optimised Vehicle Activation – a traffic signal algorithm s21 TMC
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport s9 CCAM
MRM Minimal Risk Manoeuvre (system) s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
MrSID Multiresolution Seamless Image Database s9 CCAM
MSD minimum set of data (EN 15722) s11 eCall
MSG mobile standards group (ETSI) s11 eCall
MVE Mixed Vendor Environment s14 LA; s15 Mobility Integration
NAD Network access device (ETSI) s11 eCall
NAP National Access Point s9 CCAM; s16 parking;s19 Spatial
NAS Non Access Structure s11 eCall
NDS Navigation Data Standard s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
NeTEx Network and Timetable Exchange s14 LA; s17 Pub.Transpt;s18 Railway s19 Spatial
NF Norme française (French standard) s19 Spatial
NFC Near Field Communication s9 CCAM; s17 Pub. Transport
NIA Network Indication of Alerting in MS (ETSI/3GPP) s11 eCall
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency
(former name of the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency or NGA) s19 Spatial
NOTIF-IT Notification of national railway safety and technical rules s18 Railway
NP New Project s15 Mobility Integration
NPRA Norwegian Public Roads Administration s14 LA
OAD Optional additional data s11 eCall
OAuth Open Authorization s9 CCAM
OBDII On-board diagnostics 2 s9 CCAM
OBE On-Board Equipment s7 Architecture; s10 EFC; s18 Railway;
s20 Stolen; s19 Spatial
OBU On-board Unit s9 CCAM; s14 LA
OCIT Open Communication Interface for road
Traffic control systems – German-led standards initiative s14 LA; s21 TMC
OCPP Open Charge Point Protocol s9 CCAM
OCR Organisation Code Register s18 Railway
ODD Operational Design Domains s9 CCAM
ODP Open Distributed Processing s7 Architecture
OEDR Object and Event Detection and Recognition s9 CCAM
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer s9 CCAM; s16 parking
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium s9 CCAM
OHLN Other Hazardous Location Notifications s9 CCAM
OIDC OpenID Connect s9 CCAM
OMTS On-board multimedia and telematic subsystems for railways s18 Railway
OpenLR Open location referencing (trademark of TomTom International BV) s19 Spatial
OpRa Operating Raw Data and statistics exchange s18 Railway
OSI Open Systems Interconnection s7 Architecture
OSI Open Simulation Interface s9 CCAM
OSJD Organisation for Co‑Operation Between Railways s18 Railway
OTA Over the air (programming updates) s9 CCAM
P2P Peer to Peer s22 TTI
PAN personal area network s8 Communications
PAS Publicly Available Specification s7 Architecture; s9 CCAM
PC5C-V2X 5.9GHz direct communication using cellular network s9 CCAM
PCU Passenger car unit s19 Spatial
PDCMS Pedestrian Detection and Collision Mitigation System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
PER Packed Encoding Rules s7 Architecture
PIXIT Protocol Implementation. eXtra Information for Testing (ETSI) s11 eCall
PLEV personal light electric vehicle s13 aut mobility/kerbside
PLMN Public land mobile network s11 eCall
PM10 Particulate Matter sub-10µm s21 TMC
PM2.5 Particulate Matter sub-2.5µm s21 TMC
POI Point-of-interest s19 Spatial
PPP Precise Point Positioning s9 CCAM
PRESTO PREemption and prioritization Signal systems for
emergency and public TranspOrt vehicles s14 LA; s17 Pub. Transport; s21 TMC
PReVENT Preventive and Active Safety Applications s19 Spatial
PRLRM Precise relative location referencing method s19 Spatial
PRLRS Precise relative location referencing system s19 Spatial
PS packet switched s11 eCall
PSA Programme Support Action s14 LA
PSAP public service access point s9 CCAM; s11 eCall; s12 Freight & Fleet
PSID Provider Service Identifier s8 Communications
PT Project Team s15 Mobility Integration
PTI Public Transport Information s17 Pub. Transport; s22 TTI
PTS Public transport information service (a TPEG variant) s17 Pub. Transport
PVS Probe vehicle system s19 Spatial
QIcommunication protocol used for wireless charging of phones s9 CCAM
QR Quick Response (code) – a specification for 2D barcode s16 parking; s17 Pub. Transport; s21 TMC
R&TTE radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment (EU) s11 eCall
RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging s9 CCAM
RAILML Markup Language for Rail s18 Railway
RaSCo PRail Standardisation Coordination Platform for Europe s18 Railway
RBD PSRoad Boundary Departure Prevention System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
RDD Reference Document Database s18 Railway
RDS Radio Data Systems s22 TTI
RDS Radio Data System s19 Spatial; s22 TTI
RDS-TMC Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel s9 CCAM; s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway;
s21 TMC; s22 TTI
REST Representative State Transfer s9 CCAM
ReVeAL Regulating Vehicle access for improved Livability s14 LA
RFID Radio Frequency IDentification s13 aut mobility/kerbside; s17 Pub. Transport
RHW Road hazard warning s19 Spatial
RINF Registers of Infrastructure s18 Railway
RLAN Radio LAN s8 Communications
RLC Radio Link Control (ETSI) s11 eCall
RM- ODP Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing s19 Spatial
ROS Robot Operating System s9 CCAM
ROSATTE ROad Safety ATTributes exchange infrastructure in Europe s19 Spatial
RR ETSI cleardown procedure s11 eCall
RSMP Roadside Message Protocol s14 LA; s21 TMC
RSU Roadside Units 9 CCAM
RTIG Real Time Information Group (UK industry forum) s14 LA; s17 Pub. Transport
RTK Real-Time Kinematic s9 CCAM
RTLS Real-Time Location System s9 CCAM
RTM Road Traffic Message (in the context of TPEG standards) s21 TMC
RTS Road Traffic Safety s21 TMC
RTTI Real-Time Traffic Information s9 CCAM; s14 LA
RWIS Road Weather Information Systems s19 Spatial
RWW Road Works Warning s9 CCAM
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers s7 Architecture; s9 CCAM;
s15 Mobility Integration; s21 TMC
SAEV shared automated/autonomous electric vehicle s15 Mobility Integration
SAM Service Announcement Message s9 CCAM
SAML Security Assertion Markup Language s9 CCAM
SCOOT Split, Cycle, Offset Optimisation Technique – a traffic signal algorithm s21 TMC
SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure s19 Spatial
SIG Special Interest Group s8 Communications
SIP Session Initiation Protocol (internet) s11 eCall
SIRI Service Interface for Real-time Information s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway;
s19 Spatial; s21 TMC
SIRI-PT SIRI – Planned Timetable service s17 Pub. Transport
SLA Service level agreement s10 EFC
SM Session management (3GPP/ETSI) s11 eCall
SMB Small and Midsize Business s9 CCAM
SME Small to Medium Enterprises s18 Railway
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol s21 TMC
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol s9 CCAM
SOC System Operation Centre s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
SP Service Provider s19 Spatial; s22 TTI
SPAT Signal Phase and Timing s8 Communications; s9 CCAM; s19 Spatial
SPaT(EM) Signal Phase and Timing (Enhanced Management) s14 LA
SR Short Range s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
SRC short-range communication s10 EFC
SRM Signal request message s19 Spatial
SRTI Safety Related Traffic Information s9 CCAM
SSM Signal status message s19 Spatial
SUMP Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan s14 LA
SV Subject vehicle s24 VR WC
TA Flag Traffic Announcement Flag s22 TTI
TAF TSI Telematic Applications for Freight - Technical Specifications
for Interoperability s18 Railway; s19 Spatial
TARV telematics applications for regulated vehicles s12 Freight & Fleet
TC Toll Charger s10 EFC
TC Technical Committee s19 Spatial
TCC Traffic Control Centre s15 Mobility Integration; s19 Spatial; s22 TTI
TCP Transmission Control Protocol s8 Communications
TEC Traffic Event Compact (in the context of TPEG standards) s21 TMC
TfL Transport for London s14 LA
TIC Traffic Information Centre s15 Mobility Integration; s22 TTI
TIC Traffic information centre s19 Spatial
TIFF Tag Image File Format s9 CCAM
TIN Triangulated Irregular Network s9 CCAM
TISAX Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange s9 CCAM
TI-VIP Traveller Information for Visually Impaired People s17 Pub. Transport
TIWS Traffic Impediment Warning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
TLS Transport Layer Security s9 CCAM
TM Traffic management s15 Mobility Integration
TMC Traffic Management Centre s22 TTI
TMC Traffic Message Channel (RDS application) s19 Spatial
TN-ITS Transport network – Intelligent transport system:
– a mapping standards initiative s14 LA; s15 Mobility Integration;s19 Spatial;
s21 TMC
TP Flag Traffic Programme Flag s22 TTI
TPEG Transport Protocol Experts Group s9 CCAM; s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway; s19 Spatial; s21 TMC; s22 TTI
TPEG2 Transport Protocol Experts Group generation 2 s19 Spatial
TPEG2-TEC Traffic event compact (TPEG2 application) s19 Spatial
TPEG-PTI Public transport information (TPEG application) s19 Spatial
TPEG-RTM Road traffic message (TPEG application) s19 Spatial
TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System s9 CCAM
TPS Third party service s11 eCall
TPS Truck platooning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
TPSP Third party service provider s11 eCall
T Technical Report All
TRIPS Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights s19 Spatial
TRM Transmodel s18 Railway
TS Technical Specification All
TS12 Teleservice 12 (emergency) (3GPP/ETSI) s11 eCall
TSP Toll Service Provider s10 EFC
TTC Time-to-collision (algorithm) s24 VR WC
TTCN Testing and Test Control Notation (ETSI) s11 eCall
TTI Traffic and Traveller Information s17 Pub. Transport; ; s21 TMC; s22 TTI
UE User Equipment (3GPP/ETSI) s11 eCall
UGTMS Urban Guided Transport Management and Command/Control Systems s18 Railway
UIC International Union of Railways s18 Railway
U-ITS Urban ITS s8 Communications
UK United Kingdom s21 TMC
UML Unified Modelling Language s7 Architecture;s19 Spatial; s22 TTI
UMTS Universal Mobile Telephone system (3GPP) s11 eCall
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe s9 CCAM; s12 Freight & Fleet;
s15 Mobility Integration;
UNICF Union International de chemin de fer s18 Railway
URL Uniform Resource Locator s9 CCAM
US United States s9 CCAM
USGS DEM United States Geological Survey, Digital Elevation Model s9 CCAM
USIM universal Subscriber identity module s11 eCall
UTC Coordinated Universal Time s19 Spatial
UTMC Urban Traffic Management and Control
– UK standards initiative s14 LA; s16 parking; s17 Pub. Transport;
s21 TMC
UTRA-RRC Evolved Universal Terrestial Radio (e UTRA)
Radio Resource Control (RRC) s11 eCall
UVAR Urban Vehicle Access Restriction(s) s9 CCAM; s14 LA; s15 Mobility Integration;
s21 TMC
UWB Ultra-wideband s9 CCAM
V2I Vehicle to Infrastructure s9 CCAM;s19 Spatial; s21 TMC; s24 VR WC
V2V Vehicle to Vehicle s9 CCAM; s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
V2X Vehicle to Everything s9 CCAM
VDV Verband Deutsches Verkehrsunternehmen
(German industry forum) s17 Pub. Transport
VHF/FM Very High Frequency/Frequency Modulated s18 Railway; s22 TTI
VIN Vehicle Identification Number s11 eCall; s18 Railway; s20 Stolen
VKM Vehicle Keeper Marking register s18 Railway
VMS Variable Message Sign s21 TMC
VVICW Vehicle-to-Vehicle Intersection Collision Warning System s23 Nomadic; s24 VR WC
W3C World Wide Web Consortium s9 CCAM; s22 TTI
WAN wide area network s8 Communications
WCS Web Coverage Service s9 CCAM
WCTWIPO Copyright Treaty s19 Spatial
WFS Web Feature Services s9 CCAM
WG Working Group s14 LA
WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984 s18 Railway; s19 Spatial; s20 Stolen; s22 TTI
WiFi Wireless Fidelity (implementation of IEEE802.11) s9 CCAM; s17 Pub. Transport
WIM Weigh-in-motion s12 Freight & Fleet
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization s19 Spatial
WMO World Meteorological Organization s19 Spatial
WMS Web Map Services s9 CCAM
WP.29 GRVA UNECE WP29 Working Party on Automated/Autonomous
and Connected Vehicles s9 CCAM
WPAN wireless PAN s8 Communications
WTP Wireless Transfer Charging communication protocol s9 CCAM
XML Extensible Markup Language s17 Pub. Transport; s18 Railway; s19 Spatial;
s20 Stolen ; s21 TMC; s22 TTI
XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation s19 Spatial
ZEZ Zero Emissions Zone s14 LA