Nomadic systems
23.1 Nomadic systems objectives
ISO/TC204/WG17, Nomadic & Portable Devices for ITS services is designed to facilitate the development, promotion and standardisation of the use of nomadic and portable devices to support ITS service provision and multimedia use such as passenger information, automotive information, driver advisory and warning systems, and entertainment system interfaces to ITS service providers and motor vehicle communication networks. This standard fosters the introduction of Nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world.
23.2 Approved Standards deliverables
23.2.1 ISO TR 10992:2011 Intelligent transport systems — Use of nomadic and portable devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles
International Standards on nomadic and portable devices for intelligent transport systems (ITS) services are designed to facilitate the development, promotion and standardization of the use of nomadic and portable devices to support ITS service provisions and multimedia use such as passenger information, automotive information, driver advisory and warning systems, and entertainment system interfaces to ITS service providers and motor vehicle communication networks. This Technical Report fosters the introduction of multimedia and telematics nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world.
These International Standards are developed for the communications architecture and generic requirements to enable the connectivity between the vehicle and the infrastructure or other vehicles by using nomadic links within the vehicle (e.g. Bluetooth) and devices introduced into the vehicle (e.g. music players, PDAs etc.) including the provision of connectivity via mobile devices (2G/3G/Mobile Wireless Broadband etc.) to the infrastructure; the support of application services within the vehicle; and integration within the CALM architecture and in vehicle gateways.
Conceptual aspects of the road vehicle to ITS technology chain are illustrated in Figure 23.2.1.

1 Road vehicle technology
2 Vehicle interface technology
3 ITS host application & mobile routing technology
4 Short & wide range communication technology
5 ITS host application & mobile routing technology (Roadside-ITS-Station)
6 ITS back office technology (Central-ITS-Station)
7 Vehicle-ITS-Station Gateway protocol
Figure 23.2.1 — Road vehicle to ITS technology chain
Six different areas of competence are part of the technology chain.
— Road vehicle technology:
This competence is provided by the vehicle manufacturers and their electronic system suppliers. They design vehicle's domain network architecture and connected ECUs. The diagnostic communication data of each ECU might be documented according to ISO 22901, the ODX standard, or traditionally in office type documents. The vehicle manufacturer is obliged to provide the ECU's diagnostic communication data in a non-discriminatory form to any interested party.
— Vehicle interface technology:
This competence is provided by the diagnostic tool suppliers. The V-ITS-SG has a similar type of functionality compared to today's Vehicle Communication Interfaces (VCI). Many VCIs support a wireless interface to communicate with remote Human Machine Interface (HMI) devices e.g. Nomadic Devices.
— ITS Host Applications & Mobile Routing technology (Vehicle-ITS-Station):
This competence is provided by the IT application and communication companies.
— Short and Wide Range Communication technology:
This competence is provided by the IT communication companies.
— ITS Host Applications & Mobile Routing technology (Roadside-ITS-Station):
This competence is provided by the IT application and communication companies.
— ITS Back Office technology (Central-ITS-Station):
This competence is provided by the ITS service provider companies.
The vehicle interface technology connects the road vehicle technology with the ITS technology via the Vehicle Mobile Gateway (V-ITS-SG) protocol. The V-ITS-SG protocol provides a single solution access method via standardized XML vehicle data transfer services.
The V-ITS-SG provides vehicle manufacturer/V-ITS-SG supplier controlled access to vehicle data and functions. The ND (Vehicle Station) software applications have a similar functionality compared to an Internet browser.
Work on developing these International Standards includes the identification of exisiting International Standards for nomadic devices and existing vehicle communication network access International Standards.
ISO 15031 defines emissions-related diagnostic data supported by vehicles in all countries requiring OBD compliance.
ISO 27145 WWH-OBD defines diagnostic data (emissions-related systems, future safety related systems, etc.) to be supported by vehicles in all countries implementing the GTR (Global Technical Regulation) into their local legislation.
ISO 22900-2 defines the Modular Vehicle Communication Interface (MVCI) D-PDU API to separate the protocol data unit (PDU) from the vehicle specific protocols.
ISO 22901 defines the Open Diagnostic data eXchange (ODX) format which is an XML-based standard for describing diagnostic related ECU data. This International Standard is becoming the vehicle manufacturer's choice to document vehicle system diagnostic data and protocol information.
ISO 22902 is a multimedia and telematics standard based on the AMI-C specification and reference documents for automotive industry. The important logical element of the architecture is a vehicle interface.
ISO 22837 defines the reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and a basic data framework for probe data.
ISO 29284 defines the standardization of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services in the ITS field.
SAE J2534 defines a standardized system for programming of ECUs in a vehicle.
SAE J2735 defines the support of interoperability among DSRC applications through the use of standardized message sets, data frames and data elements.
The work also includes identifying further standardization requirements to support the provision of specific ITS services where provisions using nomadic devices have additional or different requirements than those for inbuilt communications media.
It also includes the provision of updating information from the passenger and the vehicle via nomadic devices to external service providers, and updating the nomadic device and/or the vehicle data systems, such as map updates, etc., and ensures that nomadic devices introduced into vehicles can be used safely to support ITS and multimedia services.
This Technical Report specifies the introduction of multimedia and telematics nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world to support intelligent transport systems (ITS) service provisions and multimedia use such as passenger information, automotive information, driver advisory and warning systems, and entertainment system interfaces to ITS service providers and motor vehicle communication networks.
23.2.2 ISO TR 10992-2:2017 Intelligent transport systems — Use of nomadic and portable devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles — Part 2: Definition and use cases for mobile service convergence
The ISO 10992 series fosters the introduction of multimedia and telematics nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world.
This project provides the convergence software framework to identify mobile cloud connectivity services while driving and related standards required to develop a nomadic device application with intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies in vehicles.
This document specifies the introduction of multimedia and telematics nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world to support intelligent transport systems (ITS) service provisions and multimedia use such as passenger information, automotive information, driver advisory and warning systems, and entertainment system interfaces to ITS service providers and motor vehicle communication networks.
This document focuses on the convergence software framework to identify mobile cloud connectivity services while driving utilizing nomadic device application for intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies in vehicles.
The use cases described in this document include:
— IVI interaction configuration
This competence is provided by automatic application suppliers.
— Biosignal measurement configuration
This competence is provided by IT application companies.
— Cloud service configuration
This competence is provided by third-party providers such as parking service providers and insurance service providers.
This document includes the identification of existing International Standards for ITS in ISO/TC 204 and existing vehicle communication network access standards.
23.2.3 ISO 13111-1:2017 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — The use of personal ITS station to support ITS service provision for travellers — Part 1: General information and use case definitions
This document specifies the interface to support a variety of applications based on the personal ITS station and data exchange between the stations being defined in the related standards or specifications in TC 204 such as vehicle ITS station, central ITS station, roadside ITS station, etc.
Applications supporting ITS service provisions and multimedia use via the personal ITS station need to harmonize with existing or developing standards or technical reports in the concerned areas. These applications would be implemented using vehicle information, driver advisory, warning systems, entertainment systems, traffic information, public transport information, slow transport system (non-motorized travel) information and multi-modal navigation service based on the communication architecture and protocol defined in ISO TR 13185 and other related standards.
Besides ISO TR 13185, the following standards are subject to analysis in regard to their applicability to supporting ITS service provisions and multimedia use via personal ITS stations:
ISO 14819 defines TTI messages via traffic message coding (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C;
ISO TS 18234 and ISO CEN 24530 series defines TTI via Transport Protocol Experts Group (TPEG);
ISO 19132, ISO 19133 and ISO 19134 define the conceptual schema of location base service, tracking and navigation service, and multi-modal navigation service;
ISO 15031 defines emissions-related diagnostic data supported by vehicles in all countries requiring OBD compliance;
ISO 22900-2 defines the Modular Vehicle Communication Interface (MVCI) D-PDU API to separate the protocol data unit (PDU) from vehicle specific protocols;
ISO 22901 defines the Open Diagnostic data eXchange (ODX) format which is an XML-based standard for describing diagnostic related ECU data. This standard is becoming the vehicle manufacturer’s choice to document vehicle system diagnostic data and protocol information;
ISO 22902 is a multimedia and telematics standard based on AMI-C specifications and reference documents for automotive industry. The important logical element of the architecture is a vehicle interface;
ISO 22837 defines the reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and a basic data framework for probe data;
ISO 29284 defines the standardization of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transport, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services in the ITS field;
SAE J2735 defines the support of interoperability among DSRC applications through the use of standardized message sets, data frames and data elements.
This document defines the personal ITS stations applications such as public transport information services, slow transport (non-motorized travel as bicycle and walking) information service, multi-modal navigation services, etc.
This document defines the general information and use cases of the applications based on the personal ITS station to provide and maintain ITS services to travellers including drivers, passengers and pedestrians. The ITS applications supported by this document include multi-modal transportation information service and multimodal navigation service which are based on personal ITS stations in various application scenarios as follows:
— Slow transport information service and navigation service such as pedestrians, bicycles and disabled (wheelchair accessible) navigation, as well as internal traffic navigation inside the local transport area.
— Transfer information service. The considered application environment includes the transfer information service in a transfer node such as the integrated transportation hub, bus stations, car parking lot, an indoor transfer area, etc.
— Multi-modal traffic information service. Types of traffic information include real-time road traffic information, public transport operating information, service information for pedestrians' road network and service information for transfer node such as integrated transportation hub, bus stations, car parking lot, an indoor transfer area, etc.
— Multi-modal navigation service. Includes static and dynamic multi-modal routing and re-routing service, as well as real-time guidance service with voice/image/text/map drawings.
— Communities activities. For example, a team travel when a group of vehicles (or bicycles) track the lead vehicle on the way to the same destination
23.2.4 ISO TR 13184-1:2013 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems — Part 1: General information and use case definitions
ISO 13184 consists of the following parts, under the general title Intelligent transport systems — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems:
— Part 1: General information and use cases definitions
The following parts are under preparation:
— Part 2: Road guidance protocol (RGP) requirements and specification
— Part 3: Protocol conformance test cases
This part of ISO 13184 specifies the requirements of a real-time decision support system for guidance information, designed to enhance mobility and vehicle safety and to provide a parking guide service using personal ITS stations. The purpose of the system is to transmit guidance or warning messages to drivers and pedestrians in real time, enhance the user’s convenience, and avoid congestion in parking facilities by preventing accidents and enabling easy parking.
In addition, an application level guidance protocol for crossroads, safety warning and parking bay guidance services between roadside ITS stations, installed at the road side, and user’s personal ITS stations, is defined.
This part of ISO 13184 considers a protocol, which covers all subjects related to traffic safety, including pedestrians and vehicle drivers. Therefore, this protocol describes how the safety-related services are provided using personal ITS stations.
This system is based on the following assumptions:
— Personal ITS stations have limited resources. Therefore, the protocol is designed in such way that it can be implemented with limited resources.
— The use cases related to the safety warning and parking bay guidance services can be classified in various ways. Also, these use cases can be enabled or disabled depending on the specific circumstances of roads and parking bays. Therefore, the protocol is designed to be flexible and extendable, which enables to add or delete use cases conveniently.
— The protocol contains core data elements to configure the messages transmitted by personal ITS stations and roadside ITS stations. The major use case includes safety warning at the road and the parking bay guidance.
— The protocol provided by this part of ISO 13184 does not take the network or transport level protocol into account. Instead, only the application level protocol for the safety warning and parking bay guidance services are presented.
This part of ISO 13184 specifies guidance information protocol to provide real-time decision support system to drivers or pedestrians using personal ITS stations:
Reference architecture for the real-time decision support system
This reference architecture provides a general structure for real-time decision support systems and the method of message exchange between the personal ITS station and the roadside ITS station. This reference architecture is used to build the interconnections between personal ITS stations and roadside ITS stations.
Design method of application protocols for light-weighted devices
This method is a flexible application protocol for safety warning and parking guidance services. Unlike many other application protocols in the ITS and Telematics domains, this protocol makes the client part independent of use cases for supporting light-weighted devices.
Use cases at the road and parking bays for warning and parking guide
This part of ISO 13184 describes the use cases applicable to the communication services between personal ITS stations and roadside ITS stations for the purposes of providing safety warning and parking guidance.
23.2.5 ISO 13184-2:2016 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems — Part 2: Road guidance protocol (RGP) requirements and specification
ISO 13184 consists of the following parts, under the general title Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems:
— Part 1: General information and use cases definition
— Part 2: Road guidance protocol (RGP) requirements and specification
Additional part dealing with road guidance protocol (RGP) conformance test specification is under preparation.
This part of ISO 13184 specifies the use cases implementation of a real-time decision support system for guidance information, designed to enhance mobility and vehicle safety and to provide a parking guide service using the Personal ITS Station (P-ITS-S). The purpose of the system is to transmit guidance or warning messages to drivers and pedestrians in real-time, enhance the user’s convenience and avoid congestion in parking facilities by preventing accidents and enabling easy parking.
This part of ISO 13184 implements the road guidance protocol (RGP) requirements (derived from the use cases defined in ISO 13184–1) based on the Data eXchange Message (DXM) at the application level regarding the safety warning and parking guide services between the Roadside ITS Station (R-ITS-S) installed at the roadside and the user’s Personal ITS Station (P-ITS-S), e.g. Nomadic Device.
This part of ISO 13184 covers subjects related to traffic safety, including pedestrians besides vehicle drivers. Therefore, this DXM implementation describes how the safety-related services are provided using the P-ITS-S.
This system is based on the following assumptions:
— Based on the fact that the P-ITS-S has limited resources considers these limitations.
— Use cases related to the safety warning and parking guide service can be classified in various ways. These use cases can be added or deleted frequently depending on the specific circumstances of roads and parking spaces. Therefore, the DXM implementation design needs to be flexible and extendable, which enables to add or delete the use cases conveniently.
— The DXM implementation of road guidance contains data elements to configure the message transmitted between the ITS Stations.
— The major use cases include safety warnings at roads and parking guide services to be used between the R-ITS-S and the P-ITS-S.
This part of ISO 13184 specifies the road guidance use cases on the DXM to provide the real-time decision support system to drivers or pedestrians using P-ITS-S. The road guidance protocol (RGP) is an instantiation of the data exchange message (DXM), which represents a generic message to exchange data between ITS stations.
The RGP defines an interoperable service protocol between P-ITS-S and R-ITS-S for exchanging data elements.
This part of ISO 13184 specifies the following:
— Reference architecture for real-time decision support system.
This reference architecture provides a general structure for the real-time decision support system and the method of message exchange between the P-ITS-S and the R-ITS-S. This reference architecture is used to build the interconnections between the P-ITS-S and the R-ITS-S.
— Technique of application protocol design for various use cases on a P-ITS-S.
This technique adopts a flexible and extendable protocol design. In many cases, the application protocol for the ITS is designed to provide a set of messages that is dependent on the use cases and the message exchange method. However, it is not easy to enumerate all use cases for some applications. The use cases can be changed or enhanced frequently. For this type of application, the protocol design, depending on the use cases, is not appropriate. This part of ISO 13184 provides a general technique of designing the road guidance application protocol based on the use cases.
— Primitive data element.
The primitive data element will be commonly used to configure the safety warning and parking guide service in the form of speed, location and time.
— Use cases at the road and parking spaces for warning and parking guide.
This part of ISO 13184 describes the use cases applicable to the communication services between the P-ITS-S and the R-ITS-S for the purposes of providing safety warning and parking guidance.
ISO 13184 (all parts) have been aligned according to the requirements specified in ISO 21217, ISO/TS 17419 and ISO TS 17423.
This part of ISO 13184 only specifies the RGP messages based on the DXM definition (see Annex B and Annex C) at real-time. The content of the RGP messages are based on the definition of road guidance use cases as documented in ISO 13184–1.
This part of ISO 13184 implements ITS-SU objects, which is a general reference to ITS application objects, ITS message sets and other objects which may require globally unique identification and registration.
The management of ITS-SU objects is many-fold, e.g. specified in ISO 24102–4, ISO 24102–5, ISO 24102–6, ISO 24102–7, ISO 24102–8 and ISO 24102–9, and in CEN ISO TS 17423. This part of ISO 13184 implements authorized and controlled operation of ITS-SU objects, which requires considerations of ITS-SU object identifiers, i.e. ITS-AID, ITS-MsgSetID, ITS-SUID, ITS-SCUID, addresses and protocol identifiers used in the communication protocol stack of an ITS-S, and others.
NOTE The accuracy of the navigation and positioning system as input to the Road Guidance application is important for road guidance but is not part of the ISO 13184 series. Detailed information about crossroads is needed for implementation of Road Guidance applications.
23.2.6 ISO 13184-2:2016 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems — Part 2: Road guidance protocol (RGP) requirements and specification
This part of ISO 13184 specifies the use cases implementation of a real-time decision support system for guidance information, designed to enhance mobility and vehicle safety and to provide a parking guide service using the Personal ITS Station (P-ITS-S). The purpose of the system is to transmit guidance or warning messages to drivers and pedestrians in real-time, enhance the user’s convenience and avoid congestion in parking facilities by preventing accidents and enabling easy parking.
This part of ISO 13184 implements the road guidance protocol (RGP) requirements (derived from the use cases defined in ISO 13184–1) based on the Data eXchange Message (DXM) at the application level regarding the safety warning and parking guide services between the Roadside ITS Station (R-ITS-S) installed at the roadside and the user’s Personal ITS Station (P-ITS-S), e.g. Nomadic Device.
This part of ISO 13184 covers subjects related to traffic safety, including pedestrians besides vehicle drivers. Therefore, this DXM implementation describes how the safety-related services are provided using the P-ITS-S.
This system is based on the following assumptions:
— Based on the fact that the P-ITS-S has limited resources considers these limitations.
— Use cases related to the safety warning and parking guide service can be classified in various ways. These use cases can be added or deleted frequently depending on the specific circumstances of roads and parking spaces. Therefore, the DXM implementation design needs to be flexible and extendable, which enables to add or delete the use cases conveniently.
— The DXM implementation of road guidance contains data elements to configure the message transmitted between the ITS Stations.
— The major use cases include safety warnings at roads and parking guide services to be used between the R-ITS-S and the P-ITS-S.
This part of ISO 13184 specifies the road guidance use cases on the DXM to provide the real-time decision support system to drivers or pedestrians using P-ITS-S. The road guidance protocol (RGP) is an instantiation of the data exchange message (DXM), which represents a generic message to exchange data between ITS stations.
The RGP defines an interoperable service protocol between P-ITS-S and R-ITS-S for exchanging data elements. This part of ISO 13184 specifies the following:
— Reference architecture for real-time decision support system.
This reference architecture provides a general structure for the real-time decision support system and the method of message exchange between the P-ITS-S and the R-ITS-S. This reference architecture is used to build the interconnections between the P-ITS-S and the R-ITS-S.
— Technique of application protocol design for various use cases on a P-ITS-S.
This technique adopts a flexible and extendable protocol design. In many cases, the application protocol for the ITS is designed to provide a set of messages that is dependent on the use cases and the message exchange method. However, it is not easy to enumerate all use cases for some applications. The use cases can be changed or enhanced frequently. For this type of application, the protocol design, depending on the use cases, is not appropriate. This part of ISO 13184 provides a general technique of designing the road guidance application protocol based on the use cases.
— Primitive data element.
The primitive data element will be commonly used to configure the safety warning and parking guide service in the form of speed, location and time.
— Use cases at the road and parking spaces for warning and parking guide.
This part of ISO 13184 describes the use cases applicable to the communication services between the P-ITS-S and the R-ITS-S for the purposes of providing safety warning and parking guidance.
ISO 13184 (all parts) have been aligned according to the requirements specified in ISO 21217, ISO/TS 17419 and ISO TS 17423.
This part of ISO 13184 only specifies the RGP messages based on the DXM definition (see Annex B and Annex C) at real-time. The content of the RGP messages are based on the definition of road guidance use cases as documented in ISO 13184–1.
This part of ISO 13184 implements ITS-SU objects, which is a general reference to ITS application objects, ITS message sets and other objects which may require globally unique identification and registration.
The management of ITS-SU objects is many-fold, e.g. specified in ISO 24102–4, ISO 24102–5, ISO 24102–6, ISO 24102–7, ISO 24102–8 and ISO 24102–9, and in CEN ISO TS 17423. This part of ISO 13184 implements authorized and controlled operation of ITS-SU objects, which requires considerations of ITS-SU object identifiers, i.e. ITS-AID, ITS-MsgSetID, ITS-SUID, ITS-SCUID, addresses and protocol identifiers used in the communication protocol stack of an ITS-S, and others.
NOTE The accuracy of the navigation and positioning system as input to the Road Guidance application is important for road guidance but is not part of the ISO 13184 series. Detailed information about crossroads is needed for implementation of Road Guidance applications.
23.2.7 ISO 13184-3:2017 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems — Part 3: Road guidance protocol (RGP) conformance test specification
This document specifies a real-time decision support system for guidance information, designed to enhance mobility and vehicle safety and to provide a parking guide service using the Personal-ITS-Station (P-ITS-S). The purpose of the system is to transmit guidance or warning messages to drivers and pedestrians in real-time, enhance the user’s convenience and avoid congestion in parking facilities by preventing accidents and enabling easy parking.
This document covers subjects related to traffic safety including pedestrians in addition to vehicle drivers. This Data eXchange Message (DXM) implementation describes how the safety-related services are provided using the P-ITS-S.
This system is based on the following assumptions:
— The P-ITS-S has limited resources and the implementation design considers these limitations.
— Use cases related to the safety warning and parking guide service can be classified in various ways.
These use cases can be added or deleted frequently depending on the specific circumstances of roads and parking spaces. Therefore, the DXM implementation needs to be designed to be flexible and extendable, which enables the addition or deletion of the use cases conveniently.
— The DXM implementation of road guidance contains data elements to configure the message transmitted between the ITS Stations.
— The major use cases include safety warnings at roads and parking guide services to be used between the Roadside ITS Station (R-ITS-S) and the P-ITS-S.
This document specifies conformance tests for a self-conformance assessment of the supplier's P-ITS-S system. The conformance test cases follow the use case definition of ISO TR 13184-1 and the requirements stated in ISO 13184-2 based on the Data eXchange Message (DXM) at the application level regarding the safety warning and parking guide services between
— the Vehicle ITS Station (V-ITS-S) installed in the vehicle, or
— a Personal ITS Station (P-ITS-S), e.g. Nomadic Device, in a vehicle or used by a pedestrian, and
— a Roadside ITS Station (R-ITS-S) installed at the roadside.
The primary but not exclusive purpose of this document is to provide information to the P-ITS-S system provider to build and test the P-ITS-S system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of the P-ITS-S system ensures providers that their P-ITS-S system meets a high degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.
23.2.8 ISO TR 13185-1:2012 Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS services — Part 1: General information and use case definition
ISO 13185 consists of the following parts, under the general title Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS services:
— Part 1: General information and use case definition [Technical Report]
— Part 2: Protocol requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (V-ITS-SG) interface1)
— Part 3: Configuration process requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (V-ITS-SG)2)
The following document is under development:
— Part 4: Protocol conformance test cases for vehicle ITS station gateway (V-ITS-SG) interface
This part of ISO 13185 specifies the requirements for a common software interface to a vehicle gateway to easily exchange vehicle information data among nomadic and/or mobile device, vehicle gateway and the vehicle's ECUs.
Applications supporting ITS service provision and multimedia use via nomadic and mobile device need a common access method to vehicle data through an in-vehicle interface as well as the harmonization of existing standards to support a single vehicle data access solution.
This document defines a vehicle data transfer protocol between vehicle gateway also called V-ITS-SG and the nomadic and/or mobile device (ND).
This part of ISO 13185 may be used by vehicle manufacturers for future vehicle design to support the design of ITS/Telematics and as a retrofit equipment for aftersales vehicles.
Applications supporting ITS service provision and multimedia use via ND may be implemented using vehicle information, driver advisory, warning systems and entertainment systems. The following standards are subject to analysis in regard to their applicability to supporting ITS service provision and multimedia use via nomadic and mobile device:
ISO 15031 defines emissions-related diagnostic data supported by vehicles in all countries requiring OBD compliance.
ISO 27145 WWH-OBD defines diagnostic data (emissions-related systems, future safety related systems, etc.) to be supported by vehicles in all countries implementing the GTR (Global Technical Regulation) into their local legislation.
ISO 22900-2 defines the Modular Vehicle Communication Interface (MVCI) D-PDU API to separate the protocol data unit (PDU) from the vehicle specific protocols.
ISO 22901 defines the Open Diagnostic data eXchange (ODX) format which is a standard for describing diagnostic related ECU data. This International Standard is becoming the vehicle manufacturer's choice to document vehicle system diagnostic data and protocol information.
ISO 22902 is a multimedia and telematics standard based on the AMI-C specification and reference documents for automotive industry. The important logical element of the architecture is a vehicle interface.
— ISO 22837 defines the reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and a basic data framework for probe data.
ISO 29284 defines the standardization of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services in the ITS field.
SAE J2534 defines a standardized system for programming of ECUs in a vehicle.
SAE J2735 defines the support of interoperability among DSRC applications through the use of standardized message sets, data frames and data elements.
This part of ISO 13185 supports ITS applications which are based on ND in vehicles to operate on a common software interface to a V-ITS-SG integrated within the CALM architecture and easily exchange vehicle information data among ND, V-ITS-SG and ECUs.
This part of ISO 13185 specifies the communications architecture and generic protocol to provide and maintain ITS services to travellers (including drivers, passengers and pedestrians), using nomadic and portable devices for:
— The mobile device as a mobile router,
— Augmentation of the capabilities of a nomadic device using information from in-vehicle systems,
— Nomadic device acting as a key to personalise the vehicle configuration,
— Using capabilities of a nomadic or mobile device to augment functionality within the vehicle,
— The use of portable nomadic devices within commercial vehicles and public transport,
— Optimising the use of the capabilities in nomadic and mobile devices in the provision of ITS services,
— Harmonization of existing standards to support a single solution access method,
— Applications supporting ITS service provision and multimedia use a common access method to retrieve vehicle data through a vehicle communication interface.
23.2.9 ISO 13185-2:2015 Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS services — Part 2: Unified gateway protocol (UGP) requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (V-ITS-SG) interface
ISO 13185 consists of the following parts, under the general title Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS services:
— Part 1: General information and use case definition
— Part 2: Unified gateway protocol (UGP) requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (V-ITS-SG) interface
The following parts are under preparation:
— Part 3: Unified gateway protocol (UGP) server and client API specification
— Part 4: Unified gateway protocol (UGP) conformance test specification
This part of ISO 13185 has been established to define the requirements of a common software interface to a vehicle gateway to easily exchange vehicle information data amongst nomadic and/or mobile device, vehicle gateway, and the vehicle's Electronic Control Units (ECUs).
Applications supporting service provision use via nomadic and mobile devices need vehicle information data through an in-vehicle interface access method, as well as the harmonization of existing standards to support a single vehicle data access solution.
This document defines an ASN.1-based protocol between the nomadic and/or mobile device (ND) and the UGP Server (implemented in the V-ITS-SG) in the vehicle.
To achieve this, it is based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model specified in ISO/IEC 7498-1 and ISO/IEC 10731, which structures communication systems into seven layers.
This part of ISO 13185 can be used by vehicle manufacturers for future vehicle design to support the design of vehicle gateways to interface with NDs.
The ND applications need vehicle information data through an in-vehicle interface access method (V-ITS-S with V-ITS-SG).
This part of ISO 13185 supports ITS applications which are based on ND in vehicles to operate on a common software interface to a V-ITS-SG to easily exchange vehicle information data among ND, vehicle V-ITS-SG, and ECUs.
The protocol implementation in the vehicle gateway features the following:
— the deny of access to the vehicle gateway data by unauthorized on-board and off-board test equipment;
— the deny of access to parts of the vehicle gateway data by unauthorized on-board and off-board test equipment (privacy);
— the identification of the vehicle gateway and the vehicle it is installed in;
— the list of in-vehicle connected ECUs to the vehicle gateway and their data parameters;
— methods to configure the access to vehicle data.
This part of ISO 13185 specifies the requirements of an ASN.1-based protocol between a vehicle-ITS-Station Gateway (V-ITS-SG) and a nomadic and/or mobile device (ND) to easily exchange vehicle information data.
The ASN.1-based protocol has been specified to support a wired or wireless connection between the ND and V-ITS-SG.
The Unified Gateway Protocol (UGP) is used between the V-ITS-SG and the ND. UGP supports several features in order to provide:
— authorization (data privacy),
— secured access,
— V-ITS-SG and in-vehicle ECUs identification,
— real-time vehicle data parameters with identifier and type information in ASN.1 format, and
— enhanced vehicle data parameters with identifier and type information in ASN.1 format.
23.2.10 ISO 13185-3:2018 Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS Services — Part 3: Unified vehicle interface protocol (UVIP) server and client API specification
This document has been established to define the UGP client and server Java API of a common software interface to a vehicle UGP server to easily exchange vehicle information data amongst nomadic and/or mobile devices, cloud servers, vehicle servers and the vehicle's Electronic Control Units (ECUs).
Applications supporting service provision use via nomadic and mobile devices need vehicle information data through an in-vehicle interface access method as well as the harmonization of existing standards to support a single vehicle data access solution.
A Nomadic Device (ND) becomes a Personal ITS station (P-ITS-S) if a Hardware Security Module (HSM) and software, that prohibits unauthorized access to an ITS-secured domain inside the ND, has been implemented.
This document defines the UGP client and server Java API protocol between the P-ITS-S and the UGP server in the vehicle.
The protocol specified in this document is based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model specified in ISO/IEC 7498-1 and ISO/IEC 10731, which structures communication systems into seven layers.
This document may be used by vehicle manufacturers to implement an interoperable UGP server in on-board communications modules that are allowed to interface with P-ITS-S(s). Through this interface, P-ITS-S(s) can access in-vehicle information provided to the UGP server. The means by which the UGP server obtains the in-vehicle information is outside the scope of this document.
The P-ITS-S applications need vehicle information data through an in-vehicle interface access method.
This document supports ITS applications based on a client-server model which allows clients on P-ITS-S to obtain data from ECUs in the in-vehicle networks (IVNs) through a common interface to a server located in a Vehicular ITS station (V-ITS-S) which in turn is acting as a gateway to the IVNs. The protocol implementation in the vehicle's UGP server may include the following features:
— the denial of access to the vehicle's UGP server data by unauthorized on-board and off-board test equipment;
— the denial of access to parts of the vehicle's UGP server data by unauthorized on-board and off-board test equipment (privacy);
— the identification of the vehicle's UGP server and the vehicle it is installed in;
— the list of in-vehicle connected ECUs to the vehicle's UGP server and their data parameters;
— methods to configure the access to vehicle data.
This document specifies the server and client APIs of the Unified Gateway Protocol (UGP). Figure 1 shows an overview of the UGP client and server API. A UGP client application on a P-ITS-S communicates with a UGP server application on a V-ITS-S. The UGP client application implements the UGP client API using ISO 13185-2. The UGP server application implements the UGP server API using ISO 13185-2.

NOTE This document does not define the UGP client and server API in other languages than Java.
23.2.11 ISO 13185-4:2020 Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS Services — Part 4: Unified vehicle interface protocol (UVIP) conformance test specification
This document has been established to define the UVIP client and server conformance tests of a common protocol interface to a vehicle UVIP server to easily exchange vehicle information data amongst nomadic and/or mobile devices, cloud servers, vehicle servers and the vehicle's Electronic Control Units (ECUs).
NOTE The abbreviation "UVIP" (Unified Vehicle Interface Protocol) derives from the original abbreviation "UGP" (Unified Gateway Protocol) see ISO 13185-2. The name was changed to avoid confusion in regard to the need of a Gateway implementation in the vehicle.
To achieve this, it is based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model specified in ISO/IEC 7498-1 and ISO/IEC 10731, which structures communication systems into seven layers.
This document can be used by vehicle manufacturers for future vehicle design to support the design of a UVIP server to interface with NDs.
The ND applications need vehicle information data through an in-vehicle interface access method.
This document supports ITS applications which are based on ND in vehicles to operate on a common software interface to a V-ITS-S to easily exchange vehicle information data among ND, vehicle V-ITS-S and ECUs.
Figure 23.2.11 shows an overview of the UVIP Client and Server API. A UVIP Client Application on a P-ITS-S communicates with a UVIP Server Application on a V-ITS-S. The UVIP Client Application implements the UVIP Client API using ISO 13185-2. The UVIP Server Application implements the UVIP Server API using ISO 13185-2.

Figure 23.2.11 : - Overview of the UVIP Client and Server API.
This document specifies a conformance test for a UVIP server and client system developer assessment of self-conformance of the supplier's UVIP server and client system. The conformance test cases follow the use cases definition of ISO 13185-1 and the requirements stated in ISO 13185-2 and ISO 13185-3.
The purpose of this document is to provide information to the UVIP server and client system provider to build and test the UVIP server and client system against the conformance test cases.
23.2.12 ISO 17438-1:2016 Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS station — Part 1: General information and use case definition
ISO 17438 consists of the following parts, under the general title Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS station:
​— Part 1: General information and use case definition
The following parts are planned:
— Part 2: Requirements and specifications for indoor map data format
— Part 3: Requirements and specifications for indoor positioning reference data format
— Part 4: P/V and central ITS stations interface requirements and specifications for indoor positioning and map data
This part of ISO 17438 defines requirements and specifications for the indoor map data format, positioning reference data, and interface between the P/V ITS station and central ITS station to support indoor navigation.
Applications supporting indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS stations need to obtain indoor map data and positioning reference data through the existing ITS station components.
The following standards are subject to analysis regarding their applicability in supporting indoor navigation service provision.
ISO/TR 10992, Intelligent transport systems — Use of nomadic and portable devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles
ISO 14825, Intelligent transport systems — Geographic Data Files (GDF) — GDF5.0
OGC 10-191r1, Requirements and Space-Event Modelling for Indoor Navigation
OGC 12-019, OGC City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) Encoding Standard
CEN TS 28701, Identification of Fixed Objects in Public Transport
ISO 24099, Navigation data delivery structures and protocols
This part of ISO 17438 specifies the indoor navigation system architecture including additional components that are added to the existing ITS system and use cases in providing indoor navigation to various types of users including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians using personal and vehicle ITS stations:
— The personal and vehicle ITS station in the role of end user terminal running indoor navigation functionality.
— Indoor map containing indoor geometry, network topology, and POI data reflecting characteristics of indoor space.
— Indoor positioning reference data containing information of positioning infrastructure: WiFi AP, RFID Reader, Bluetooth AP, etc.
— Data providers to provision the indoor map or indoor positioning reference data.
— Indoor data server registry to provision the information of indoor data server.
— Indoor positioning functionality in the personal and vehicle ITS station using indoor positioning reference data.
— Indoor positioning functionality in the central ITS station using indoor positioning reference data.
— Interface between the P/V ITS station and central ITS station to communicate indoor map data and indoor positioning reference data.
This part of ISO 17438 includes “General Information”, which provides a general overview and structure of each part of ISO 17438. It also specifies “Use Cases” related to the indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS stations.
23.2.13 ISO 17438-4:2019 Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS station — Part 4: Requirements and specifications for interface between personal/vehicle and central ITS stations
With the spread of nomadic and mobile devices such as smart phones and the rapid expansion of indoor spaces, many of the services and facilities related to the transport system have become accessible to indoor spaces. Consequently, navigation in indoor space is considered a new killer application in the transport industry.
The objective of this document is to provide message specifications required for indoor navigation functionality. This document is intended to be used by designers, developers and providers of indoor navigation services.
This document defines use cases, requirements and message specifications for supporting indoor navigation in intelligent transport systems. When implemented, this document will:
1) Provide developers and designers with concepts and appropriate information to implement indoor navigation service;
2) Provide developers and designers with interoperable ways to use indoor navigation data from various sources for indoor navigation;
3) Enable users to be provided with indoor navigation;
4) Provide developers and designers with an extendable base for indoor navigation.
This document defines detailed use cases, requirements and message specifications for supporting indoor navigation functionality between a personal/vehicle (P/V) ITS station and a central ITS station.
This document defines:
a) Clusters of use cases based on processing flows for indoor navigation between a P/V ITS station and a central ITS station;
b) Detailed use cases derived from the clusters of use cases for indoor navigation;
c) Message specifications to support some of the detailed use cases. The message specifications include mandatory, conditional and optional elements.
This document is only applicable to the core flow for the navigational functionality in indoor space. The following issues which are adjunctive but essential for commercial navigation services are beyond the scope of this document:
— Authorized and authenticated access of users and services, including security;
— Payment;
— Preparation of indoor data which are necessary for indoor navigation;
— Detailed data formats for indoor navigation data, including indoor maps and indoor positioning references (these form a part of ISO 17438-21 and ISO 17438-32);
— How to transfer and share data required for indoor navigation between a roadside ITS station and a central ITS station, i.e. low-level communication protocols;
— Other issues dependent on implementation of an instance of indoor navigation, e.g. indoor-outdoor seamless navigation.
This document uses the XML and Data eXchange Message (DXM) format defined in ISO 13184-2 to encode defined messages.
23.2.14 ISO 18561-1:2020 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Urban mobility applications via nomadic device for green transport management — Part 1: General requirements for data exchange between ITS stations
The ISO 18561 series is intended to facilitate the development, promotion and standardization of the use of nomadic and portable devices to support intelligent transport systems (ITS) service provision and multimedia use, such as passenger information, automotive information, driver advisory and warning systems and entertainment system interfaces to ITS service providers and motor vehicle communication networks.
This document provides the application and specification for standardizing transportation management as a form of ITS in urban transportation networks to improve eco-mobility and sustainability. This document fosters the introduction of multimedia and telematics nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world. These ITS technologies can increase operational efficiencies and unlock enhanced transportation safety and eco-mobility applications.
Via nomadic devices, the urban mobility applications build on existing transportation planning processes, including trip generation, trip distribution and modal choices with respect to extended measures of effectiveness (MOE) in transportation models, such as time effectiveness, cost effectiveness and green (eco)effectiveness.
In this document, the nomadic device is presented as a personal ITS station in order to communicate with the other stations, including vehicle, roadway infrastructures and centres for defining the requirements for interfaces between the stations in urban mobility applications to accommodate the specific needs of eco-mobility in a smart city.
This document gives guidelines for providing mobility information according to user preference on demand, utilizing a variety of existing applications on nomadic devices related to different means of transport.
This document defines an integrated mobility information platform as a service methodology to be integrated with a variety of mobile apps with respect to different transport modes.
This document defines the following urban mobility applications:
— guidance documents to facilitate the practical implementation of identified standards in the transportation planning process, including related use cases;
— provision of urban mobility information integrated with a variety of mobile apps on nomadic devices by multiple transport modes for collecting trip production and attraction data;
— modal choice data based on time effectiveness, cost effectiveness, and eco-effectiveness in the trip distribution from origins to destinations.
23.2.15 ISO TR 20529-1:2017 Intelligent transport systems — Framework for green ITS (G-ITS) standards — Part 1: General information and use case definitions
This document provides the framework guidelines to identify cost-effective technologies and related standards required to deploy, manage and operate sustainable “green” intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies in surface transportations with eco-mobility.
This document provides the framework guideline for identifying cost-effective technologies and related standards required to deploy, manage and operate sustainable “green” intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies in surface transportations with eco-mobility. These ITS technologies can increase operational efficiencies and unlock enhanced transportation safety and eco-mobility applications.
The green ITS standard framework builds on the existing standards and best practices of transport operation and management systems, as well as ITS applications, and aims to accommodate to the specific needs of eco-mobility in either mega cities or developing countries.
The G-ITS standards would expect to focus on the use of data exchange interface standards to enable the deployment of cloud-based multi-modal mobility solutions using wireless networks and nomadic devices. These forward-looking solutions are “infrastructure light” and thus can impact developing regions with little or no legacy transportation infrastructure.
The framework described in this document includes:
— G-ITS standard common framework including gap analysis of existing ITS standards;
— Guidance documents to facilitate the practical implementation of identified standards by policy makers and engineers including related use cases.
This document includes the identification of existing International Standards for ITS in ISO/TC 204 and existing vehicle communication network access standards.
23.2.16 ISO 20530-1:2020 Intelligent transport systems — Information for emergency service support via personal ITS station — Part 1: General requirements and technical definition
The existing standard on emergency call services (EN 16072) excludes the accident detecting process and focuses on the automotive manufacturer’s perspective. In order for emergency call services to be widespread in the automotive industry, a unified system requirement and methodology for accident data gathering and data processing are necessary.
In terms of an accident detection system, the existing emergency call services assess an accident by checking solely impact data. However, impact occurrence from a non-accident incident, such as crossing a speed hump and/or pothole, can be determined as an accident, which can generate a false report. This false report can cause waste of labour, time and expense for eCall service centres (e.g. PSAP [Public Safety Answering Point]). Therefore, it is necessary to define an accident detection process to identify an accident while filtering a false report.
This document defines the use cases and general requirements for supporting emergency services via P-ITS-S. Any automotive-related service providers can refer to this document for developing eCall service systems into eCall non-supportive vehicles.
The P-ITS-S acts as a monitoring and data transmitting device which gathers a vehicle’s speed, impact and airbag deployment signal to assess the accident occurrence and type of accident. Once gathered data has been determined as an accident, accident related information is sent to an emergency service centre.
Only notable events, such as an airbag-deployed event, rollover and stationary accident, are concerned by this document. In addition, the vehicle data gathering device requirement and implementation methodology for the emergency service are not applicable to this document.
23.2.17 ISO TR 21735:2019 Intelligent transport systems — Framework architecture for plug and play (PnP) functionality in vehicles utilizing nomadic devices
This document specifies framework architecture for plug and play (PnP) functionality in vehicles and identifies the issues related to exchanging information between occupants (users) and PnP functions. The connection between PnP vehicles and occupants is established by nomadic devices and the exchanging information is bidirectional. The main purpose of architecture is to utilize the PnP vehicle information and enhance the safety state and improve the convenience of occupants in PnP vehicles by adopting various pieces of information of PnP functionality in vehicles including sensors, mechanical equipment, and communication devices.
This document covers subjects related to representation of the status of a PnP vehicle and occupant. The status of a PnP vehicle and occupant is represented as a safety state/availability state and driver information, respectively. Therefore, information exchange between a PnP vehicle and occupants is mandatory.
This system is based on the following assumptions:
— A PnP vehicle is equipped with several sensors such as radar, lidar, camera, vehicle mechanical information such as steering, acceleration/brake, ECU, and communication devices such as WLAN, Bluetooth. In addition, more sensors or devices can be extensible with the advance of technology, and a PnP vehicle can adapt these devices.
— Occupants have a nomadic device such as smart phone, or wearable which can be used to exchange information with a PnP vehicle. The health information of occupants may be delivered to a PnP vehicle.
— The major use case is to inform the status of a PnP vehicle and occupants using the information between a PnP vehicle and occupants.
This document defines framework architecture for plug and play (PnP) vehicles and identifies the issues related to exchanging information between occupants (users) and PnP vehicles with nomadic devices.
The purpose of architecture is to enhance PnP vehicles and the occupants’ safety state by exchanging the information/availability from PnP vehicles and occupants’ information/status.
The function of frame architecture is to define message follows and its effect on safety state between a PnP vehicle and the occupants. This document specifies the framework of safety state representation between the PnP vehicle and the occupants. The state of the PnP vehicle depending on the PnP vehicle’s equipment informs the occupants, and the status of the occupants is also transmitted to the PnP vehicle where status information is delivered by nomadic devices.
23.2.18 ISO TR 22085-1:2019 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Nomadic device service platform for micro-mobility — Part 1: General information and use case definitions
This document provides the service framework to identify the connectivity between nomadic devices, cloud servers and micro-mobility in pre-trip, en-route and post-trip. The service framework can promote micro-mobility as a new type of urban and rural transport mode and increase the possibility to be included in an integrated mobility system.
Micro-mobility can be defined as a small or compact sized electric vehicle. Normally, it is designed to be used as a first-mile and last-mile service connecting public transit routes or to provide personal mobility with one or two passengers for a short distance trip. The vehicle types of micro-mobility are very wide, including three or four wheeled micro electric vehicle, electric utility task vehicle, electric bike, electric kick scooter, electric skateboard, and electric self-balancing unicycles. This document focuses on three or four wheeled micro electric vehicle.
The nomadic device service framework aims to accommodate the specific needs of integrated mobility services for either urban or rural areas. The service framework focuses on the use of data exchange interface standards between micro-mobility and nomadic devices to enable the development of cloud-based intelligent transport systems (ITS) using wireless networks.
A nomadic device needs to be connected with micro-mobility reliably and consistently. In addition, it is necessary to provide power supply interface for stable nomadic device operation.
The service framework and use cases described in this document include:
— The service framework architecture between nomadic devices, micro-mobility and cloud server
— Use cases that are are divided into three categories including pre-trip, en-route, and post-trip:
— Pre-trip service configuration: the pre-trip use cases provide micro-mobility information, on-demand navigation service with charging station and available parking lots, and reserving micro-mobility car sharing services.
— En-route service configuration: the en-route use cases provide ITS information, e.g. traffic conditions, safety information, and toll service. The use cases also provide information on available parking lots and charging stations when the micro-mobility vehicle approaches a destination.
— Post-trip service configuration: the post-trip use cases provide micro-mobility driving records, battery level, parking location information, and a return service for shared micro-mobility.
— Guidance documents to facilitate the practical implementation of diverse ITS service providers including related use cases.
This work includes the identification of existing ISO/TC 204 International Standards in ITS and existing vehicle communication network access standards.
23.2.19 ISO TR 22086-1:2019 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Network based precise positioning infrastructure for land transportation — Part 1: General information and use case definitions
This document provides the framework guidelines to identify lane-level positioning technologies with the land transportation service requirements and related standards required to deploy, manage, and operate network-based precise positioning infrastructure for land transportation. The purpose of the system is to generate and transmit the GNSS correction and integrity information to land transportation users including drivers, pedestrians, riders, etc. in order to enable them to perform lane-level positioning with low-cost GNSS receivers on nomadic devices at a high confidence level. The system design following the requirements of ITS and automotive services that are closely related to traffic safety and traffic efficiency is defined.
This document provides the framework guidelines on technologies related to the network-based precise positioning infrastructure for land transportation (NETPPI-LT) that allows land transportation users or objects carrying nomadic devices, equipped with low-cost global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers and wireless communication transceivers, to perform lane-level positioning and integrity monitoring. These technologies will unlock enhanced intelligent transport systems (ITS) services and applications and will increase traffic operation/management efficiencies and traffic safety by reducing economic and social costs from traffic jams, traffic accidents, and environmental pollution.
The framework described in this document includes:
— reference architecture for the NETPPI-LT enabling lane-level positioning and integrity monitoring on personal ITS devices;
— guidelines for providing a real-time lane-level positioning service based on GNSS with the aid of the NETPPI-LT;
— guidelines to facilitate the practical implementation of the NETPPI-LT for engineers including related use cases.
23.2.21 ISO 20530-1:2020 Intelligent transport systems — Information for emergency service support via personal ITS station — Part 1: General requirements and technical definition
The existing standard on emergency call services (EN 16072) excludes the accident detecting process and focuses on the automotive manufacturer’s perspective. In order for emergency call services to be widespread in the automotive industry, a unified system requirement and methodology for accident data gathering and data processing are necessary.
In terms of an accident detection system, the existing emergency call services assess an accident by checking solely impact data. However, impact occurrence from a non-accident incident, such as crossing a speed hump and/or pothole, can be determined as an accident, which can generate a false report. This false report can cause waste of labour, time and expense for eCall service centres (e.g. PSAP [Public Safety Answering Point]). Therefore, it is necessary to define an accident detection process to identify an accident while filtering a false report.
This document defines the use cases and general requirements for supporting emergency services via P-ITS-S. Any automotive-related service providers can refer to this document for developing eCall service systems into eCall non-supportive vehicles.
The P-ITS-S acts as a monitoring and data transmitting device which gathers a vehicle’s speed, impact and airbag deployment signal to assess the accident occurrence and type of accident. Once gathered data has been determined as an accident, accident related information is sent to an emergency service centre.
Only notable events, such as an airbag-deployed event, rollover and stationary accident, are concerned by this document. In addition, the vehicle data gathering device requirement and implementation methodology for the emergency service are not applicable to this document.
23.2.21 ISO 22085-2:2021 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Nomadic device service platform for micro mobility — Part 2: Functional requirements and dataset definitions
Micro mobility can be defined as a small or compact-sized electric vehicle. Normally, it is designed to be used as a first-mile and last-mile service connecting public transit routes or to provide personal mobility with one or two passengers for a short-distance trip.
The nomadic device service platform aims to accommodate the specific needs of integrated mobility services for either urban or rural areas. The service platform focuses on the use of data exchange interface standards between micro mobility and nomadic devices to enable the development of cloud-based ITS using wireless networks.
This document fosters the introduction of nomadic devices in the public transport and automotive world. It specifies functional requirements and dataset definitions based on Vehicle Interface Data Format (VIDF) at the application level regarding pre-trip, post-trip and while driving, in order to identify connectivity between a user’s personal ITS stations (P-ITS-S, for example nomadic devices), roadside-ITS-station, vehicle-ITS-station gateway (V-ITS-S) and central ITS station (C-ITS-S). The functional requirements and the dataset can be used as a measure for exchanging information required to implement mobility services to be included in integrated mobility and parcel delivery services.
This document provides definitions of functional requirements for connectivity among nomadic devices, cloud servers and micro mobility during pre-trip, post-trip and while driving, which is defined in ISO/TR 22085-1, and datasets for providing seamless mobility service. In addition, it also delivers related standards required to develop and operate the service platform between a nomadic device and micro mobility with intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies. The functional requirements and the datasets can be used as a measure of exchanging information required to promote micro mobility as a new type of urban and rural transport mode, and so increase the possibility of being included in an integrated mobility and parcel delivery system.
This document defines functional requirements and messages set by use case and a dataset of each message to provide services for use cases, which are defined in ISO/TR 22085-1 as follows:
— Pre-trip (Use case 1.1-1.5)
— En-route (Use case 2.1-2.7)
— Post-trip (Use case 3.1-3.4)
23.3 Deliverables under development
23.3.1 ISO PWI 6029-1 Intelligent transport systems — System requirements and interfaces for seamless positioning between indoor and outdoor based on the personal ITS station — Part 1: General information and use cases
Under development
23.3.2 ISO DIS 13111-2 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — The use of personal ITS station to support ITS service provision for travelers — Part 2: General requirements for data exchange between ITS stations
Under development.
23.3.3 ISO AWI 17438-2 Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS stations — Part 2: Requirements and specification for indoor maps
Under development
23.3.4 ISO AWI 17438-3 Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS stations — Part 3: Requirements and specification for indoor positioning reference data
Under development
23.3.5 ISO CD 18561-2 Intelligent transport systems — Urban mobility applications via nomadic device for green transport management — Part 2: Trip and modal choice applications and specification
Under development CD stage.
23.3.6 ISO PWI 18561-3 Intelligent transport systems — Urban mobility applications via nomadic device for green transport management — Part 3: Mobility integration service applications using hybrid V2X
Under development
23.3.7 ISO DIS 20529-2 Intelligent transport systems — Framework for Green ITS (G-ITS) standards — Part 2: Integrated mobile service applications
Under development DIS stage.
23.3.8 ISO AWI 20530-2 Intelligent transport systems — Information for emergency service support via personal ITS station — Part 2: Service requirement for road incident notification
Under development
This document has been established to define the monitoring of energy consumption based on measured speed profiles from a vehicle in motion compared to a virtual vehicle driving with defined speed reference cycles.
The service uses in-vehicle nomadic and mobile devices and a client server architecture where the dynamic speed profile per second is evaluated with fixed vehicle configuration parameters inside the server. With the near real-time communication between the Nomadic Device (ND) and the server he results of the calculation can be made visible also on trip to the driver for eco-drive purposes.
The application allows NDs to become a measurement tool for quantifying the energy contributions and inertia forces of a moving vehicle in units of [%] relative to the virtual vehicle moving along the reference cycles.
This document may be used by fleet operators, logistic service providers, public transport operators and eco-drive trainers to develop applications which allow to measure in units of [%] the energy consumption in litre of gasoline or diesel equivalent, joules or kWh relative to the energy consumption of a given standard vehicle.
The methodology also optimizes carbon emission calculations using standard energy consumption without being calibrated to the real trip behaviour of a moving vehicle. The solution was successfully implemented in the Public-Private Partnership R&D projects

The scope of the standard is to specify a method for the determination of fuel and CO2 consumption to enable fleet managers to reduce fuel costs and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in a sustainable manner. The fuel consumption determination is achieved by extracting trip data and speed profiles from the GNSS receiver of a nomadic device, by sending it via mobile communication to a data base server and by calculating the deviation of the mechanical energy contributions of
a) Aerodynamic,
b) Rolling Friction,
c) Acceleration / Braking,
d) Gradient and
e) Standstill
relative to a given Reference Driving Cycle in [%]. As the mechanical energy consumption of the Reference Cycle is known by measurement with a set of static vehicle configuration parameters, the methodology enables drivers, fleet managers or logistics service providers to calculate and analyse fuel consumption and CO2 emissions per trip by simply collecting trip data with a satellite equipped nomadic device inside a moving vehicle. Besides of an on-trip and post-trip monitoring of energy consumption (fuel, CO2), the solution also provides information about eco-friendly driving behaviour and road conditions for better ex ante and ex post trip planning. Therefore, the solution also allows Floating Cars to evaluate the impact of specific traffic management actions taken by public authorities with the objective of achieving GHG reductions within a given road network.
Note 1 The nomadic device is not aware of the characteristics of the vehicle. The connection between dynamic data collected by the nomadic device and the static vehicle configuration parameters is out of scope of the present document. This connection is implementation dependent for a software or application using the described methodology which includes static vehicle parameters and dynamic speed profiles per second from the nomadic device.
Note 2 Considerations of privacy and data protection of the data collected by a nomadic device are not in scope of the present document which only describes the methodology based on such data. However, software and application developers using the methodology need to carefully consider those issues. Nowadays, most countries and companies have to be compliant with strict and transparent GDPR regulations and have the corresponding approval boards and certification regulations in force before bringing new products to the market.
23.3.9 ISO DIS 22085-3 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Nomadic device service platform for micro mobility — Part 3: Data structure and data exchange procedures
Under development DIS stage.
Micro mobility can be defined as a small or compact-sized electric vehicle. Normally, it is designed to use as a first-mile and last-mile service connecting public transit routes or to provide personal mobility with one or two passengers for a short distance trip.
The nomadic device service platform will aim to accommodate the specific needs of integrated mobility service for either urban or rural areas. The service platform would focus on the use of data exchange interface standards between micro mobility and P-ITS-S (i.e. nomadic device) to enable the development of cloud-based mobility service using micro mobility.
This part of ISO 22085 specifies the data structure and data exchange procedure based on Data eXchange Message (DXM) at the application level regarding pre- and post-trip and while driving to identify connectivity among user’s personal ITS station (P-ITS-S), e.g., nomadic devices, vehicle-ITS-station gateway (V-ITS-SG) and central ITS station (C-ITS-S).
This standard covers subjects related to mobility service using micro mobility including micro mobility sharing, parcel delivery, last & first mile connections in urban area. Therefore, this DXM implementation describes how the mobility services based on micro mobility are provided using the P-ITS-S.
This document specifies the data structure and data exchange procedure related to the micro-mobility service applications utilizing P-ITS-S (i.e. nomadic devices) including car sharing, parcel delivery, last & first mile connections. In addition, this document also delivers related standards required to develop and operate the service platform between nomadic device and micro mobility with intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies, which would undertake joint work with ISO Technical Committee 204 (ISO/TC204) – Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
This document defines the data structure and data exchange procedures based on dataset and messages which are defined in DIS 22085-2.
23.3.11 ISO PWI 22086-2 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Network based precise positioning infrastructure for land transportation — Part 2: Functional requirements and data interface via nomadic device
IS/TS under development
23.3.12 ISO PWI TR 22087.2 Intelligent transport systems — Collection of agent behaviour information and sharing between ITS stations
TR under development
23.3.13 ISO DIS 23795-1 Intelligent transport systems — Extracting trip data via nomadic device for estimating CO2 emissions — Part 1: Fuel consumption determination for fleet management
Under development DIS stage.
23.3.14 ISO CD 23795-2 Intelligent transport systems — Extracting trip data via nomadic device for estimating CO2 emissions — Part 2: Information provision for eco-friendly driving behaviour
Under development CD stage.